Microscopy in Blender
This is a project building bioimage support for the open source software blender. This currently exists as the Blender add-on Microscopy Nodes
, previously named tif2blender
. This is able to easily load tif files as volumetric objects in Blender.
Please make some pretty figures with this add-on!
For usage questions please use the image.sc forum 😁 For issues/bug reports/feature requests please open an issue.
If you publish with this add-on, please cite the preprint:
@article {Gros2025.01.09.632153,
author = {Gros, Oane and Bhickta, Chandni and Lokaj, Granita and Schwab, Yannick and K{\"o}hler, Simone and Banterle, Niccol{\`o}},
title = {Microscopy Nodes: versatile 3D microscopy visualization with Blender},
elocation-id = {2025.01.09.632153},
year = {2025},
doi = {10.1101/2025.01.09.632153},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2025/01/14/2025.01.09.632153},
eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2025/01/14/2025.01.09.632153.full.pdf},
journal = {bioRxiv}
Current Features
Microscopy Nodes supports:
- up to 5D (up to tzcyx in any axis order) tifs and OME-Zarr files can be loaded.
- Channel interface to define how to load data
- Replacing a pyramidal dataset with it's higher resolution version
- Accurate scale bars
- Load per-index label masks
- Lazy loading of giant files (no data is loaded in RAM outside what's rendered)