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Installing and using Microscopy Nodes with Blender < 4.2


  • Download an appropriate microscopynodes/tif2blender zip file from the releases page. Please note the Blender version number.

Start blender.

Install the microscopynodes Add-On: - In Blender go to Edit > Preferences - Go to Add-Ons tab in Preferences - Press Install and give the file (as .zip) - In the added microscopynodes add-on window in Preferences: press the tick box to enable, and the arrow to unfold the details - in the details press install tifffile - (if this fails please try restarting blender and seeing if it can then find tifffile)

Updating microscopynodes

To update the microscopynodes add-on (future versions may have bugfixes, new features) a few steps need to be taken: - In Blender go to Edit > Preferences - Go to Add-Ons tab in Preferences and find the microscopynodes add-on - Press Remove - Restart Blender - Install the new version.